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About Kaci

What is Kaci?

Kaci serves as an automated online assistant to get real-time updates, confirm doubts, report problems and request for services. Kaci uses automated machine learning technology to provide information and request for help on behalf of the user.

What company is behind Kaci?

Kaci is Powered by FactCheck Initiative. FactCheck Initiative (FCI) a registered non-governmental development organization in Nigeria that is focused on checking factual accuracy, sensitizing and proffering solutions to combat misleading news, stories, agendas or manifestos across the continent and the world.

Kaci was developed out of this passion, as well as the increasing need for human-machine collaboration through AI to make life easier for people of all ages.


How does Kaci get news?

We have a system in place that allows users logged on to our platform to send in news articles of sorts. When these news stories hit our domain, we put them in categories that include; unverified news, verified and confirmed news.  News fed in by users whose veracity have not been determined are placed under unverified news.

Once checks have been made by the Kaci team to ensure that the news article in itself has some basis of truth by possibly contacting related stakeholders, it is moved to the verified category.

A news article is finally moved to the confirmed stage when every possible check has been made and feedback has been gotten from the affected stakeholders.


What features does Kaci have?

Getting Updates

InfoBank, Climate, News

Sharing Updates

Ambulance, TravelSafe

Following Updates

iReport, Suggestion


How do I register on Kaci App?

Just log on to the website to follow the download links or simply download the Kaci app from the Apple or Android Stores and register.


How do I register on Kaci Chatbot?

You can also dial and save the number “081 400 400 81”with “Kaci” on your smartphone, search for “Kaci” on your WhatsApp to start a new chat and you say “Hi” or “Hello”. The chatbot will introduce itself and begin a conversation-like prompt to help you register fully.


How do I log in to Kaci Chatbot?

Simply engage the Kaci chatbot in a conversation by following the instructions. You can also simply say “Hi” and the chat bot will engage you and guide you through whatever you need – as long as it within the scope of the app’s provisions and services.


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